About Me

Me, with the beautiful Sasha.

Writing allows for long range communication between people. That can be in terms of distance and time and is a wondrous invention of the human mind.

The first instrument for writing was the hand, then the printing press and now the keyboard. And our reach is now fantastic. In my youth you would have to write something a publisher would think worth while and it would appear in print on paper. Now, with the internet anyone can shout out across the planet and be (possibly) heard.

For a long time I thought that this democratisation of publication was not for me as a producer as I believed my life so ordinary as to not be of any interest to anyone. This is certainly so still. But, as there are so many idiots out there decrying their nonsense I have finally decided that one more idiot doesn’t really matter and I shall pass on my wisdom to the world.

Visiting Dad

Gentle Reader I went to see my father recently. I try to get to see him every so often. Sometimes I just drop in when I have time, but I do try and make a couple of special dates. I keep him up to date with the various family goings on that I am privy…


I am wondering whether I need a catchphrase to open up my gifts to the universe (my text). I have been listening to some podcasts (I am down with the kids, you know, and am hip to the latest devices) and an introduction could help with my branding. For example, Beau of the fifth column…


Who do we feel close to? What are we a part of? Who are our people? For each of us there is a different answer, I imagine. I, for instance could close people the same colour as me, the same nation, region or town as me. I could identify myself by my age group, or…

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